Public health is being corrupted with junk science like minority stress theory.
civil rights
The Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice should be disbanded.
Even the hardest-nosed conservatives have been suckered by a vision of American racial harmony.
An answer to some questions regarding Claremont's commitment to the American Way of Life.
Not all distinctions are unjust.
Anti-discrimination law needs to examine separately the domains of gender and skin color.
The contradiction of our post-Jim Crow civil rights enforcement scheme.
Transgender policy exploits human suffering in service of a warped agenda.
Christopher Caldwell, author of The Age of Entitlement, examines how the Civil Rights Laws transformed American conceptions about democracy.
Senior Fellow Christopher Caldwell explains the historical causes of modern polarization.
During this WMAL interview, Christopher Caldwell provides an overview of his recent book "The Age of Entitlement."
Textualism will not prevent the legal deconstruction of sex.