We can’t escape the need to form citizens, and we shouldn’t want to.
Will they continue to demonize voters or learn an important political lesson?
The philosopher’s focus on citizenship is consistent with Donald Trump’s message.
Reaching out to some doubters of the American Revolution.
Ilhan Omar’s bizarre speech must be understood in the broadest sense of “constituency.”
Joe Biden’s disastrous immigration policy has done irreparable damage to our nation.
Trump’s call to end birthright citizenship is a necessary corrective.
Granting felons the franchise will not improve the democratic process.
Progressives do not want the same things as most Americans.
State lawmakers must protect education from activism.
Cause of death: Twitter mobs.
Daily Wire Editor-at-Large Josh Hammer joined "Tipping Point With Liz Wheeler" to discuss the census citizenship question and the legal implications of Department of Commerce v. New York.