Salvo 08.05.2024 5 minutes

The Final GirlBoss

Vice President Kamala Harris Speaks At Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority’s Boule In Houston

Kamala Harris's staff offer unique insights regarding her leadership skills.

Some women make great bosses. Kamala Harris is not one of them.

According to numerous victim reports, Harris is a workplace abuser and a living nightmare to work for. A walking, babbling mediocrity in a flared-leg pantsuit. Arrogant, bitchy, vindictive, and smug, she has fired or driven away 92 percent of her staff. The survivors who remain are either too battle-scarred or too scared to leave. Kids, blink twice if you need rescuing.

Here are just a few heartbreaking victim statements from Kamala the “soul-destroying bully”:

From the Washington Times: “Senator Harris vocally throws around ‘F-bombs’ and other profanity constantly in her berating of staff and others. The staff is in complete fear of her and she uses her profanity throughout the day,” Terry McAteer wrote. As Attorney General, Senator Harris instructed her entire staff to stand every morning as she entered the office and say, ‘Good Morning, General,’ he added, mentioning how ‘Gregory was also given instructions to never address Harris nor look her in the eye as that privilege was only allowed to senior staff members.’”

“Barbara O’Connor, a professor at California State University, Sacramento claimed that students who worked for Harris as interns frequently came back to her crying and saying that they ‘felt they weren’t valued.’”

From the Daily Mail: “Congressional sources told the Mail that she would berate subordinates in expletive-laden tirades. ​In a sensational resignation letter shared with the New York Times in November 2019, Harris’s then State Operations Director Kelly Mehlenbacher slammed her boss, saying: ‘I have never seen an organization treat its staff so poorly.’ ‘’It’s not a place where people feel supported but a place where people feel treated like s***,’ one source said. A Biden administration official claimed Harris was responsible: ‘It all starts at the top.’ That sentiment was shared by Gil Duran, an ex-aide to Harris who worked in her Attorney General’s office and quit after five months. ‘What is the common denominator through all this?’ he said, ‘It’s her.’”

From the WaPo: “Multiple staffers who worked for Harris before she was Vice President told the Washington Post in December 2021 how she’d reportedly refuse to prepare for public appearances and blame her aides when she then underperformed. ‘It’s clear [with Harris] that you’re not working with somebody who is willing to do the prep and the work,’ one ex-aide said. ‘With Kamala you have to put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism and also her own lack of confidence. So you’re constantly sort of propping up a bully and it’s not really clear why.’”

This type of behavior was personally corroborated by a close family member, an attorney who also happened to graduate from UC Hastings, Kamala’s law school, and then worked in the district attorney office in San Francisco with her. 

He reported that the vibe in her office was suicide-inducing. “People cowered from her, gossiped behind her back about her incompetence and bad ideas, and complained of the mean-spirited bullying. Whenever she went on vacation, people were thrilled. They could finally get work done without wanting to kill themselves.”

The main mistake women like Kamala make is compensating for their woeful inadequacies and insecurities by being petty and cruel.  It’s like an unfunny comic resorting to working blue. It’s bottom-feeder chum. It may not be a funny joke, but if it’s sufficiently filthy, you will get a few laughs with the shock value. It’s cheap and degrading, but meanness is a crutch and a defensive shield employed by people who have nothing much to offer. 

“But Peachy, Trump is mean too!” I would argue that on the contrary, Donald Trump is really only mean to our enemies abroad. To his political opponents, he employs mockery. And to staffers he is probably errs on the side of being way too genial and lenient! 

The only thing I can imagine worse than working for this woman is being presidented by this woman. Kamala is so abrasive and charm-free she makes Hillary Clinton look like Mary Poppins. 

It is Kamala’s sheer cruelty that shocked me the most during her recent Atlanta rally, the first of her clownshow candidacy. She is speedrunning a two year campaign in three months, so we got a Megan Thee Stallion show right off the bat. (Usually they save the big celebrity appearances for the final week.) 

I’d never seen her in Resting Bitch Mode before. But what shocked me the most was her sadistic glee in the way she talked about her opponents—and not just Trump, but all of us. People on the other side call her all sorts of names: radical, communist, incompetent, incoherent. But maybe because she is a woman, it’s said seriously, like, this woman is seriously bad. They don’t particularly relish saying these words—they are more upset and harried about the idea of someone like her getting near the Oval Office. 

Kamala, on the other hand, seems to be relishing her cruelty, like an executioner who giggles as she swings the ax into the victim’s bared neck. But what if this is a feature and not a bug of the Middle-Aged  Feminist Girl Boss? Maybe the unflattering meanness itself is her superpower, and why so many young women are (supposedly) excited to vote for her. Maybe Kamala has unleashed a well of millennial man-hating that was latent under doddering old Joe. They’re tired of being scorned. Tired of being ghosted. Tired of being ignored. A year and a half of Taylor Swift and her “I Hate My Ex-Boyfriends” tour has birthed a nation of young women ready to bare their teeth at any man they decide is not on their side. Scary times indeed.

I am urging America: do not promote this insufferable HR girlboss. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a sensible comfort pump stamping on a human face— forever.

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