Digital tech is laying bare American exceptionalism in a new way.
Nationalism for the Twenty-First Century
Retrieving an honorable, successful philosophy.
“Conservatism is in flux,” writes Daniel McCarthy in his big new blueprint for American governance at First Things. “Trump in 2016, whether consciously or not, drew upon what has been the clear policy alternative to the elite consensus in favor of global liberalism since the early 1990s: economic nationalism, and nationalism more generally. This is an honorable tradition whose roots in the Republican party run all the way back to Abraham Lincoln.”
Rather than an “aberration” from which established elites will swiftly return us to the norm, or simply “a second, more successful Pat Buchanan,” McCarthy describes Trump’s administration as “a return, in however haphazard a fashion, to the policy orientation that once really did make America great and the GOP grand.”
McCarthy brings some important clarity to the debate around political life after Trump, which is often murky, and sometimes treacherously so. And he has helped raise several significant questions. Here in brief, in our Discourses, Sam Goldman has asked whether a new nationalism in America can be forged without the fires of war; Jim Antle has called for a citizen economics heavy on policy and light on demagoguery; Rachel Lu has cautioned against what George W. Bush once called the soft bigotry of low expectations for America’s struggling subcultures; and Michael Lind has prophesied a postliberal policy realignment away from economic libertarianism.
Herewith, we feature some further reflections at greater length. The topics broached in this unfolding conversation are central to the future of the Republic. The freshness of the debate is invigorating, but there is little time to waste.
The American Mind presents a range of perspectives. Views are writers’ own and do not necessarily represent those of The Claremont Institute.
The American Mind is a publication of the Claremont Institute, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, dedicated to restoring the principles of the American Founding to their rightful, preeminent authority in our national life. Interested in supporting our work? Gifts to the Claremont Institute are tax-deductible.
Elites and Middle America need each other, and both have a duty to work together to serve our national interest and the common good.
Economic nationalism is not enough: cultural and civic revival beats an economic backstop.
Subsidizing small-town 20th century jobs is not the answer. Nationalists should be careful not to lower their expectations—and ours.