national debt
Advice from Old Nick on how to strengthen our republic.
Tinkering with tax rates doesn't really change the amount of revenue the government collects.
The Biden Administration’s student loan forgiveness program sacrifices the country’s fiscal health for a shot at winning in November.
America under siege and at a crossroads
The apparent advantages of its centralized economy thinly disguise Beijing’s weak fundamentals.
Charles Kesler interviews Christopher DeMuth on civil rights, neoconservatives, and problems without solutions; the rise of the administrative state; fighting the administrative state; the coming crisis of the national debt and deficit problem; and new institutions and the think tank phenomenon.
2011 Annual Churchill Dinner in Honor of Sir Winston S. Churchill-Paul Ryan “Our Churchillian Moment
The Claremont Institute is proud to welcome Congressman Paul Ryan, keynote speaker and recipient of the 2011 Statesmanship Award in Honor of Winston Churchill. These are Rep. Paul Ryan's remarks from the November 12, 2011 dinner held by the Claremont Institute in Newport Beach, CA.