Salvo 09.16.2024 4 minutes

Tomboy Nationalism 

Tomboy skateboarder girl peeking around brick wall corner

Parents’ rights and children’s health are on the line in November. 

I clearly remember the moment I told my mom I wanted to be a boy. I was no more than six years old, sitting in the back seat of the family’s 1986 Chevy Suburban. What I said might have cowed a lesser woman, but not my mother. She calmly asked me why I felt that way. I’m pretty sure she already knew the answer. 

At six years old, I was squarely in the middle between two older cousins (both boys), two younger brothers, and a younger cousin—again, a boy. Naturally, I wanted to be like everyone else in the family. I had grown into a vivacious tomboy who did not believe in dresses, hairbrushes, or pink. My mother understood this and knew what I meant when I said I “wanted to be a boy.” She did the only thing she could do: let me to grow out of my phase. Which I did. Mostly.  

Back in 2006, wanting to be a boy was harmless enough. Trans children were few and far between, and nobody’s political program functionally entailed the elimination of tomboys. Nowadays, a girl like me living in California might expect state intervention. It’s not impossible to imagine myself getting a medical transition against my parents’ wishes. 

For parents in Montana, Indiana, and California, this horror has become reality. And soon the same nightmare may come for parents and children nationwide. 

Tim Walz, the Democratic vice-presidential hopeful and far-left politician, has turned his state into a sanctuary for children who want to medically transition, regardless of their parents’ opposition. When he signed this justly infamous executive order, he stated, “As states across the country move to ban access to gender-affirming care, we want LGBTQ Minnesotans to know they will continue to be safe, protected, and welcome in Minnesota.” 

Any American who has been paying attention knows this isn’t where it ends. In recent years, dozens of parents have come forward, claiming that their state kidnapped their child because they “refused to affirm their sexual identity.” Notably, a Montana couple recently lost custody of their teenage daughter after they opposed her transition. The father and stepmother have claimed in court that Montana’s Child Protective Services took their daughter without a warrant. This happened in Montana—not California, Connecticut, or another bastion of leftist ideology. 

One major defining characteristic of the modern Democratic Party is that they do not respect parental rights in the slightest. From forcing COVID-19 vaccines on toddlers to foisting trans ideology onto preschool students, Democrats seem to want control over children. This obviously deranged posture presents an opportunity for Republicans. 

School choice has become a popular Republican platform in the post-COVID era. Parents are eager for good schools and the freedom to choose what is best for their children, and it shows. Glenn Youngkin’s success in Virginia is partially due to his pro-school choice stance, which helped him win the governorship. 

Moreover, Kamala Harris is expected to build upon Joe Biden’s policies on transgender issues for children. Advocates for Trans Equality has endorsed Harris for president. They state, “A Harris Administration would not only uphold but also expand upon the protections for transgender Americans established by the Biden Administration.” Not only would the vice president push a radical leftist agenda, but the entire administration would also be influenced by powerful trans advocacy groups. 

These ideas are dangerous and could have gruesome lasting consequences for the next generation, some of whom may become sterilized before they can fully mature physically, mentally, or spiritually. As a woman, tomboy, and hopeful mother, my heart breaks for all the children who may be forced to undergo significant physical changes to satisfy the expectations of adults around them. It is our duty to protect these children, ensuring they have a childhood free from physical alterations that could leave them scarred for life. Republicans should make this a signal part of their mission. 

The American Mind presents a range of perspectives. Views are writers’ own and do not necessarily represent those of The Claremont Institute.

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