Salvo 07.28.2021 5 minutes

Knock, Knock, Who’s Shocked?


Big Tech’s dominance has been facilitated by conservative weakness.

I can’t say I was surprised when I received word from YouTube recently that my channel was slashed from existence. Yeah, yeah; what did I expect as a 21st century insurrectionist conservative? The tables turned long ago, the deck stacked, the perverse standards erected through the left’s anti-culture. Next question.

I had a YouTube channel until July 11—though it was not much of a channel at all—just one video with a hundred views or so.

The video was my appearance on Fox News Primetime in June with Ben Domenech, publisher of The Federalist, where I have been writing for the past six months. The topic at hand was my alienating experience as an Amazon Prime employee, which I described in an essay as a product of the corporation’s overreliance on technology as a means strictly to maximize efficiency rather than worker relationships. Big Business, small man; the atomized individual.

Ben, myself, and California Democrat Representative Ro Khanna discussed Amazon’s model—how the company unnecessarily automates tasks to a radical extent, stripping jobs and hollowing out communities instead of fostering workplaces that allow for places to adequately flourish. It’s a paradigm of the most significant underlying issue facing our country; how lawmakers on both sides of the political aisle have prioritized the needs of the ruling class over the broader American people for far too long, leaving towns in decay, people with no common purpose, and big business with yet more infrastructure and freedom to forgo morals altogether.

“We have reviewed your content and found severe or repeated violations of our Community Guidelines,” YouTube wrote to me in an email. “We have permanently removed your channel from YouTube. Going forward, you won’t be able to access, possess, or create any other YouTube channels.”

Since I was instructed that the rationale for such a ban was that I posted “Spams, scams or commercially deceptive content,” I read the “Community Guidelines” for insight. Reason’s people might have their account deleted based on my ostensible categorization are “voter suppression,” “suppression of census participation,” “live steam abuse,” “repetitive comments,” “distribution of hacked materials,” “incitement to interfere with democratic processes,” and so on.

In other words, there is no legitimate category that fits the description for my ban. It was bogus. My Fox interview was legal and not spam. One could argue it was moral. But there is a reason for my ban, and we all know it.

It is foolish as a conservative to think YouTube must abide by its own code. Their code is a product of political partisanship, long preferred over sound and working principles. And it is also long past time for conservatives to stop this frantic search for some sort of verifiable divine reason to rationalize how Big Tech operates.

None of it makes sense. Except it makes perfect sense: people say the “world works in mysterious ways,” but it actually does not. It works the way the people running it say it should.

What is afflicting America right now is a perverse balance of standards, of frankly anti-standards, and befuddled conservatives need to check their watches. If you read this publication much, you have probably heard it many times now. What time is it, is the question those on the Right must ask. If you don’t know what that means, now is when you learn.

Big Tech has entirely inverted the standards for acceptable speech. They seek to silence opposition in order to whip the public into submission. Conservatives can sit in their leather armchairs preaching about Ronald Reagan, and pass out “anti-socialism, social club” stickers at their conferences and talk about the way things used to work in Washington when the sun shone down—oh freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom—or they can wake up. They can look at what this nation has become and why.

The freedom experiment has failed. The idea that freedom on the internet could exist is a tried-and-true false hypothesis.

Big Tech’s politically correct rule is what happens when Republicans make limited government the end-all-be-all conservative politics. It’s what happens when a moral culture plays second-fiddle to corporate gain. And it’s what happens when Conservatism, Inc. is greenlit to rule over common decency.

The American Mind presents a range of perspectives. Views are writers’ own and do not necessarily represent those of The Claremont Institute.

The American Mind is a publication of the Claremont Institute, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, dedicated to restoring the principles of the American Founding to their rightful, preeminent authority in our national life. Interested in supporting our work? Gifts to the Claremont Institute are tax-deductible.

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