Mr. President, Deputize Your Local Sheriffs
Trump needs to leverage his close relationship with local law enforcement.
Trump needs to leverage his close relationship with local law enforcement.
Our premier federal law enforcement agency can’t be trusted to investigate major crimes.
Elected law enforcement officers are more responsive and highly trusted.
Patriot Front may not technically be staffed by FBI agents, but the effect is the same.
The Administration wants to cast American patriots as villains in a tired television narrative.
How the government shifted its “Counter-Extremism” strategy to target the mainstream.
What it will take to hold our own.
The deal with the devil is made. Kamala Harris is determined to see it through.
The deal with the devil is made. Kamala Harris is determined to see it through.
You’ll never be radical enough.
Remarks before the Senate Judiciary Committee by Kyle Shideler.
The securitization of so-called hate speech.
The dark history of the radical Left's enforcement arm.
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