The Great Dumbing Down of American Education
Our road to mediocrity needs to be reversed—and fast.
Our road to mediocrity needs to be reversed—and fast.
Main Street concerns should trump the progressive Left’s unpopular views.
The political landscape will never be quite the same.
Younger generations must have avenues to rise.
Collusion between Big Tech and Western governments is a growing threat.
The Democrats need to appeal to Main Street America.
A look at the Great Migration of the twenty-first century.
Climate-change obsessives insist that we must roll back living standards in order to save the planet.
Democrats are increasingly beholden to leftist radicals in their midst.
Pocketbook concerns override racial resentment in the current political climate.
The Democrats’ appeal to racial resentment is wearing thin.
The only lessons the Old World offers to America these days are cautionary.
The neo-feudal Newsom model has been a disaster.
The political realignment of America’s voting blocs is still in flux.
America's fantastic endowment and entrepreneurial spirit maintain its global preeminence.
The worldwide lack of affordable housing can only be resolved politically.
The Right should reclaim the populist ground that enabled its biggest victories.
What the future of labor in America looks like.
Efforts to force Americans onto trains are largely pointless and counterproductive.
The Left and Right must denounce the rising threat of antisemitism.
America doesn’t need to cram everyone into little boxes; we need to build new cities.
Today’s billionaires fund the engine of their own destruction.
Massive inequality and the rise of a new feudal system have nearly destroyed the chances of social mobility.
The globalized commodification of housing will destroy democracy.
What happens when the weakest link in the chain is you?
The hard facts—and hopeful opportunities—of a post-pandemic world.
Our tech overlords have forsaken innovation for consolidation.
Seismic economic and demographic changes will feed division and conflict.
The world's major economies face a serious demographic crunch.
Our schools, even without CRT, are failing to prepare students for a skills-based job market.
The tech elite have joined forces with progressive visionaries to establish a model of America’s feudal future.
The national consciousness regresses to the level of the toddler, casting everything in stark terms of good and bad.
America's political future turns on our last contestable places.
Inside the bitter battle over America’s new geography.
The Biden Administration is on track to stiff our desperate working class.
The three heads of the Democrat Hydra will soon start biting at each other.
Blue-city urbanization imposes a downward mobility people don’t want and don’t need.
No future awaits those who rage against family, work, and community.
A new class of overlords are making their bid for world domination.
Our Covid-era oligarchs are fitting us for feudalism.
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