Mitch McConnell’s Weak Case for American Empire
A swing and a miss from a key defender of the status quo.
A swing and a miss from a key defender of the status quo.
The second Trump shooter believes in a dangerous and pervasive Western ideology.
The West abandoning its ideological imperialism is the first step.
German elites are putting their ideological commitments above their own citizens.
Leading neoconservative arguments for continuing U.S. involvement in Ukraine miss the mark.
Zelensky’s position is getting more untenable by the day.
Ukraine’s counteroffensive is increasingly aimed at ginning up greater levels of U.S. backing.
Mike Pence represents a stubborn and persistent neoconservative tendency that prioritizes globalist concerns.
GOP “leadership” are the regime’s loyal opposition.
The Alex Jones case and our "cold" information war.
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