
rhetorical presidency

Presidency and Executive Power C-Span 1

The Presidency and Executive Power

This panel including Charles Kesler, Adam White, John Fonte, and Ryan Williams discusses President Trump’s use of executive power.

James Ceaser TAM with Kesler Ep1

James Ceasar with Charles Kesler

Charles Kesler interviews James Ceaser on the Founders & Our Current Presidential Election Process; Demagoguery in our Times; Class War and the 2012 Campaign; and The State of American Political Discourse.

Kesler TAM with Hayword 2015

Charles Kesler with Steven Hayward

Steven Hayward interviews Charles Kesler on how liberalism is in a state of crisis; Obama's predecessors; Obama's liberalism; which former president does Obama most resemble; and the importance of Progressivism now.

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