Self-government is the key to an active life.
"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."
Media, Big Tech, and Pharma are allied with national governments in an information war to dictate what goes in our bodies.
The way to fix our diet is simple—but it won’t be easy.
The rise of pills to curb obesity raises some serious questions about the medicalization of life.
Americans' increasing consumption of marijuana will render us submissive and unhealthy.
The obesity epidemic among children is not helped by what they are served at school.
Our medicalized society continues to drink its own poison.
Traditional household gardening provides a model of escape from a future of eating bugs and vat-produced mycoproteins.
The plot to eliminate animal protein is well ahead of your plans to keep eating it.
A new plant-based “egg” represents the advent of the transhumanist global state.