David Goldman joins Angelo Codevilla on the “Claremont Review of Books Foum” 10.14.14
At this October 7 CRB Forum in New York City, Claremont Institute Senior Fellow Angelo Codevilla discusses strategy, foreign policy, and American security with David P. Goldman, author of the "Spengler" column for Asia Times Online and the "Spengler" blog at PJ Media. The occasion for the discussion is Goldman's review of Codevilla's recent book To Make and Keep Peace in the Claremont Review of Books.
Angelo Codevilla is a senior fellow of the Claremont Institute and professor emeritus of International Relations at Boston University.
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Michael Anton joins "The Lawfare Podcast" to discuss Trump's foreign policy philosophy, the administration's record, and what effect the president's style and norm-breaking has had on his foreign policy agenda.
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