Audio 06.11.2020 1 hour 20 minutes

The American Mind Podcast: The Roundtable Episode #21

There’s a new religion in the land, but it offers no absolution. Our editors discuss the new convulsions of our latest culture war culture war, in which ignorant armies rage against the very principles of equality on which America was built. Our editors unpack the important cultural shifts that brought about this crisis and ponder where to go from here.

The American Mind’s ‘Editorial Roundtable’ podcast is a weekly conversation with Matt Peterson, James Poulos, David Bahr, and Spencer Klavan devoted to uncovering the ideas and principles that drive American political life. Stream here or download from your favorite podcast host.

The Woke Inquisition | The Roundtable Ep. 21

There’s a new religion in the land, but it offers no absolution. Our editors discuss the new convulsions of our latest culture war culture war,  in which ignorant armies rage against the very principles of equality on which America was built. Our editors unpack the important cultural shifts that brought about this crisis and ponder where to go from here.

Welcome to Your Cultural Revolution | The Roundtable Ep. 21 Segment 1

There’s a cultural revolution taking place on your city streets, your screens, and even your bookshelf. Mayor De Blasio vows to name a street in every borough “Black Lives Matter,” Gone with the Wind is erased from HBO, and Drew Brees bends the knee while being dragged through the mud to avoid getting cancelled. More in sorrow than in anger, our editors contemplate the radicalization of our ruling classes.

Timestamp: 0:46

Seattle is Mentally Ill | The Roundtable Ep. 21 Segment 2

The state of nature is on full display in a pocket of Seattle called the “Autonomous Zone.” It turns out to be a fishbowl into which Americans can gaze and see all the effects of leftist miseducation on full display. It took less than 48 hours for a warlord to emerge, of course, and things only get wilder from there.

Timestamp: 31:21

Churchill-Palooza | The Roundtable Ep. 21 Segment 3

The Antifa outrage mob attempts the wholesale erasure of history, sweeping through the U.S. and Europe and leaving no monument untoppled. Winston Churchill, the great leader who literally took the fight to real fascists, is among the first to be defamed. By way of Shakespeare and Lincoln’s second inaugural, Ryan and James ask: when will it end?

Timestamp: 1:01:15

The American Mind presents a range of perspectives. Views are writers’ own and do not necessarily represent those of The Claremont Institute.

The American Mind is a publication of the Claremont Institute, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, dedicated to restoring the principles of the American Founding to their rightful, preeminent authority in our national life. Interested in supporting our work? Gifts to the Claremont Institute are tax-deductible.

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